A reader, a dog and cat person, a mid-life career changer, a lifelong singleton -- these are a few labels I can apply. I'm really not very mysterious though, so I'm sure you can get to know me through the blog, over time.
Isn't this a lovely little plant grouping? In the summer, the leafy plant was a gorgeous bronze color. I neglected to take a picture then, but it's still pretty now.
So I stumbled across this great new column in the Washington Post called "Medical Mysteries" and I thought, damn, why didn't I think of that? Because it would be such an interesting column to write. Now I am trying to think of great column ideas that no one has had yet.
Well, since this truck is part of the construction equipment for the new Cancer Center, I suppose I shouldn't call it an impediment to progress. It was actually an impediment to MY progress as I walked to work this morning, though.
There's a beautiful little patch of flowers and grass directly in front of the UVa heating plant. I pass this on the way to and from work at the hospital.
Imagine my delight upon finding, as I pulled into the Integral Yoga parking lot in order to buy dog food and N-acetyl cysteine, that Breadworks was still open. I can have cookies! I exclaimed in the privacy of my car. Do they not look delicious?
My mom made this little bear when she was in high school. To me, it's the most valuable item she ever gave me. I think of her every time I see it. It sits on the buffet, sandwiched between my favorite photos of my brothers.
As you may have noticed, I've hit a blog bog. I'm not going into the reasons why, but in an effort to jump-start my blogging once again, I've decided to post a picture a day for a year, aka Project 365.