Thursday, January 3, 2008

Beyond belief

I saw this bumper sticker on my way to work this morning:
Take your child hunting
instead of hunting your child
I did look hard to make sure it didn't say "instead of hurting your child" which also makes no sense, but it really did say "hunting."

Is it supposed to be funny? I mean, I really don't get it.


Shelly said...

I assume it means that, if you're child is out hunting with you, you'll know where s/he is? Still, it boggles the mind. Teh Google says...

Catherine said...

Well, that makes more sense than my reading of it did! The link you posted quotes it as "... instead of hunting FOR your child." But the bumper sticker said "...instead of hunting your child," leaving out that crucial "for." And I really don't know when anyone would need to hunt their children.

Shelly said...

I bet Swift would've had a thing or two to say about child hunting!

Anonymous said...

I guess you don't speak Southern, as in "I was huntin' Bubba to carry him to the store so he could tote my sacks to the truck for me."

Catherine said...

I did not know that particular piece of southern lingo! I think we've all learned something here.

Catherine said...

Shelly: You can hunt them, and then eat them!