Tuesday, January 22, 2008

People... people who are bragging...

I'm so proud.

blog readability test

Although I'm pretty sure I'm going to start using a lot more fancy words now.
Just to get up to post-grad level.


Shelly said...

My blog is only high school level. I am thoroughly ashamed.

Catherine said...

Who knows what it's measuring? Eschew shame! You are a sophisticated artist with an excellent blog. You're also an intelligent and witty writer. Who could ask for anything more?

Shelly said...

You are too kind! And now, a secret: It was only faux shame that I was feeling.

I assume they run the first page through grammar check software. And (starting sentences with a conjunction! The horror!) we all know how useful those things are, right?

John D. said...

Mine's only HS level too. Sounds about right. ; )

Catherine said...

Nah, we're all sophisticated and witty. Any blog widget that doesn't give us the highest rating imaginable has no gravitas.